Delegates from the governments of Mozambique and Malawi, officials from the Southern African Development Community Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI) and researchers from IWMI, met at the Baobab Hotel in Tete, Mozambique for the Shire ConWat Knowledge Management Workshop, on April 16-17, 2019. The workshop was designed to bring the two riparian countries together to finalise the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and Strategic Action Plan (SAP). The IWMI research team led by Jonathan Lautze comprised of Girma Ebrahim, Anita Lazurko and Patience Mukuyu.
The two-day workshop provided a platform where the Malawi and Mozambique counterparts provided their comments on the SAP and added final touches to the TDA.Feedback obtained from the TDA Validation Workshop in March 2019 was provided by the IWMI team to ensure that all concerns were fully accommodated into the TDA. Key messages coming out of this exercise was that the previous feedback had largely been accommodated, however there were some areas that still required attention and member states committed to providing the requisite information needed to complete the document. Notable updates addressed included the need for systems thinking and highlighting linkages across TDA sections e.g. how a growing population and the drive for development may affect water quality; and the relationship between population settlement patterns and flooding.
Further, workshop delegates took time to go through the actions of the SAP and to address any grey areas. Joint group discussions resulted in the refining of these SAP actions. As the projects nears its end, resolutions were made to ensure that the two documents (TDA and SAP) are finalised and key actions from the SAP taken forward. The Shire ConWat Project is funded by SADC-GMI, implemented by IWMI and active from August 2018 to April 2019.